Tuesday 15 September 2009

  • ADVERTISING FEATURE .......Bridge Affective Disorder ( B.A.D. )
  • Let's face it THIS IS your biggest problem......but help is at hand to solve it for once and for all
  • Week after week, whatever you try at the table goes horribly wrong: your leads are a mess, finesses all go awry, trumps held by the defending opponents are 4-1 or worse, and towards the end of the session you are desperate to get away !
  • Do you suspect that you have upset the Bridge Gods somehow, without intending to do so ? Do you feel persecuted by all the "slings and arrows" that come your way ? Are you gutted by the fact that Lady Luck has turned her back on you, being the capricious and unpredictable woman she is ? Do you believe that taking control of your bridge destiny is beyond your powers ? If the answers are "yes".....then don't despair. Now is the time for change......now is the time to bring about those changes you crave for at the bridge table. You have to believe in the power of positive thinking.....yes, it really is possible to avoid repeated failures through a change of mindset. So I suspect at this moment in time, you're wondering " how can this be achieved ?"
  • Well I, Dr. Sigmund T. Shuckelgruber, have the answer: just sign up for my retro electrical stimulation therapy (REST).....which I can assure you will rescue and save your bridge. Using highly sophisticated stereotactic techniques at the cutting edge of 21st century psychotherapy, I am able to stimulate artificially the release of seratonin. This brings about a change in your mood hormones, making you feel good about yourself, confident, and in control. This works in the same way as sunlight helps to prevent SAD.
  • As potential guinea-pigs for this ground breaking free-of-charge non-invasive treatment, all that is required is your signature on my indemnity form, which exempts me fully from any liability resulting from addiction, injuries received from being overly-cocky and arrogant ....not to mention the dangers you may pose to society having adopted a megalomaniac personality.
  • If interested please contact me through this e-mail address: immadas ah @ ter. com

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