Friday 16 October 2009


One of my life long ambitions was to be an author.....or at least a regular bridge correspondent.......but alas I'll have to settle for being a blogger. But some of you out there with better connections, or a fast growing reputation as a genuine bridge celebrity, there's still a chance that you might make it as a bridge columnist. So if you become one, please heed the words of Keith McNeil ( the regular bridge correspondent for the Adelaide Daily Mail ), who had some right good advice to anyone who found themselves having to do a write-up on a player he or she had come to loathe :

  1. If you dislike this person, do not write up his good hands.
  2. If you really dislike this person, choose instead to write up his bad hands.
  3. If you dislike this person intensely, it would be better to write up someone else's bad hands but attribute them to this disagreeable player.
  4. If you absolutely and utterly detest this person, it becomes imperative to write up his good hands but attribute the fine play to his partner.

A tongue-in-cheek article it may have been, but for the demon writer in me it made real sense.

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