Friday 15 July 2011

This psychological disorder is as prevalent in bridge , as it is in marriage. It tends to affect inferior and mediocre players, who have allowed their limited knowledge of the game to become a dangerous thing. Not only do victims believe they know everything , but in partnership terms they always claim to be the stronger half.
STYP is an acronym for Smarter Than Your Partner. My research has shown that any player , who thinks he/she is superior and smarter to his/her partner , has clearly become neurotic, incapable of taking even the smallest criticism without adopting the characteristics of a very sick puppy.
I have yet to observe a player with this condition to be part of a partnership , which independent observers might describe as harmonious , happy and successful. STYP is a disorder which is destined to undermine and destroy all partnerships , especially when both players possess the same unshakable belief in their greater expertise, intelligence, and know-how.
So my advice to anyone , who comes across a " partner-seeking " STYP victim , is plain and simple : don't even think about it , just do a runner. However, if one has already made the mistake of pairing up , then there is no time to waste . Jump ship immediately, before having to listen to another session of patronising and condescending criticisms , in an all too familiar but annoying voice.......... blighted by that feigned haughty " I-of-course-know-best " accent.

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