Monday 19 May 2014


When it comes to defending slams , always be prepared to find yourself the victim of a squeeze. This hand proved to be a tale of woe for the impulsive and reckless Bigot.
After West opened the bidding with a pre-emptive 3H South still finished up bidding 6NT. Bigot ( East ) held a slam breaking A1097.....98.....J1096 ...962
Not surprisingly partner's opening lead was the queen of hearts, which Johnny Supremo as declarer won with the king. At trick two the spade switch went to dummy's jack , which Bigot pounced upon with the Ace. Slam made : no problem. 
Johnny won the heart return, and cashed four top clubs, on which poor Bigot had to find a discard from either his spade or diamond suit. Whatever choice he made declarer was home making 2H, 4C, 4D and 2S.... or 2H, 4C, 3D, and 3S. Because Johnny had rectified the count Bigot was unable to protect both these suits. 
The living legend turned to Bigot and said "  That defence of yours was not so much heavy handed but naive. You really must get back to the basics of this game ".
" Listen up you smart arse......I assumed......quite rightly in my opinion..... that partner must have an outside honour to go with his 7 card heart suit.....therefore it seemed right to clear the heart suit.....but that brainless idiot was bidding on filth again ".
Johnny smiled.  "There was no need whatsoever to rely on partner. If he has a quick trick in either clubs or diamonds he would surely make that in the fullness of time. Your first requirement was to stop declarer rectifying the count , by ducking the first two rounds of spades , if only to protect yourself from being squeezed. Declarer can only come to 11 tricks.  This means you didn't need the minor miracle of partner winning a trick to beat the slam. "
As Bigot walked away to ask the bar steward for the muffle cushion , everyone could hear the same word being repeated over and over again. 
" Bugger....bugger.....bugger.....bugger.....bugger..... "

The full hand was : 

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