Sunday, 17 October 2010

Yes folks, blues man John Lee Hooker produced countless great albums over an amazing 50 year period. However, one superb compilation, an absolute priceless rarity, had all its tracks dedicated to those " hard done to " bridge players......a group to which most of us belong. In Hooker's mind we all understand and empathise with the blues, the feelings of pain, woe, depression, misery, rejection, defeat and loss. So here is the album's track listing, which also includes selected extracts from the original sleeve notes.
I'M IN THE MOOD - a more up beat number reflecting the usual short-lived optimism bridge players start out with before sitting down at the table
WE ARE COOKING - a rollicking high energy song that captures the initial euphoria that players often experience if the first few boards go their way
YOU HAVE TWO HEARTS - a tale about a missed game in hearts all because partner's bids denied any heart holding whatsover, when in actual fact he held jack doubleton
HOW CAN YOU DO IT - a hard hitting song about exasperation, frustration, and anger over partner's inept bidding and play
HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON - more blues with angst , where the pain and misery of one bad board after another really begins to intensify
MEET ME AT THE BOTTOM - a boogie number in which tells of down and out players confirming their predictions about about a bottom four placing
LORD WHAT CAN I DO - a heart-rendering blues and gospel mix, where desperation compels the player to ask God for inspiration or answers to resolve his plight
THE FEELING IS GONE - a slow moody dirge describing how a distraught player allowed the impact of disaster and pending humiliation to finally kill of what little hope or enthusiasm he had left for the final session
CALL IT A NIGHT - a song that focuses on the painful realit for playersy of not only having to accept that their performance today were awful , but perhaps they are not really capable of ever performing well
BURNING HELL - a biting fast tempo blues number where a player's anger turns on his partner, expressing sentiments of where he would like him to go on leaving the venue
GOING HOME - another up tempo number where the player decides to put the misery of his poor performance behind him, deciding instead to look forward to comforts and pleasures that might await him at home

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