Thursday, 6 October 2011

Let's get real here and face the facts.....most players rarely progess from base one. These losers and no-hopers are only there simply to make up the numbers, becoming fish in the barrel, sitting ducks, and easy pickings for the top players, who with consummate ease will collect one top after another.
No matter what these poor souls do against the experts, they are never likely to get a good match pointed board. Bidding against experts is fatal. So what they need to do is to "pass" every hand no matter what their point count is. Even if they are blessed with a 23 count the pass bid is compulsory.
Clearly this tactic can do them some damage, but has every chance of earning them a good board for the very reasons I've outlined below.
1. If two weak players enter the bidding , only to discover a fit, then the expert opponents will either by implication or deduction recognise a fit of their own. Once they enter the bidding with overcalls or take out doubles, they will either push the hapless pair into an unmakeable contract, or steal and make the contract on minimum values. Either way a passed out board will score much better.
2. Should the inexperienced pair manage to win the auction, the experts will be far more adept at finding the best defence, especially if all the bids were of textbook honesty. Given that other pairs will be in the same contract against lesser opponents, then the likelihood of getting a good result is zero. However a passed out hand will score a huge top if the defence was always bound to succeed.
3. By consistently passing all hands, the experts might well enjoy an uninterrupted auction, but they don't receive any information whatsoever as to where the missing honours may be located. This means that without any interfering bids to go on more guesswork has to be done, some of which will be wrong : " he can't hold any more points otherwise he would have opened ? ". A false assumption like this will result in errors giving you every chance of securing a good board.
For experts their power comes from knowledge , and a great deal of knowledge comes from their opponents' bidding. So weak players need to keep their fingers well away from their bidding boxes no matter what. This will guarantee them a few good scores without even trying ......a far better prospect of getting rubbish scores after umpteen huffing and puffing attempts to compete.
So remember this is Bigot-Johnson speaking.....the man who was himself taught by the amazingly canny Shona Watts-Watt.

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