Sunday, 13 December 2015


Let's face it .....when you join a club committee it's only a matter of time before you get browned off , brassed off , cheesed off and pissed off with the way things are done , or perhaps not done. Whether you are put upon , picked upon or completely ignored , the realization that you this kind of work is not for you quickly sinks home. All too often you are sworn to secrecy , having to attend meetings behind closed doors , and made to fall in line with those who wield the power and the unforgiving axe. Why should humble committee members be treated like mushrooms forever kept in the dark and fed manure ?
So resignation is only your ticket back to sanity , especially if the thought of doing a full term sends shudders down your fragile spine. But what is important is how to show the extreme disappointment and anger you are currently feeling. You need to let the " them " know the true extent of your contempt and disapproval over the way you have been treated. 
So there is no need to write a letter explaining the reasons for your resignation. Make your point there and then as you exit the committee room in a demonstrative huff.  Indeed , there is no need to slope out like a scolded child or a timid mouse. No need to slam the door. One glorious gesture is enough. Therefore , the golden rule is to vent your spleen in the most dramatic and theatrical way you can , which of course can be best illustrated by the picture below. This is calculated to leave a lasting impression in my minds of those looking on , as well as providing the wider membership with a truly wonderful bit of gossip. 

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