Sunday, 7 January 2018

RIP OFF PARKING v. BIGOT-JOHNSON ( 2016 ) ......... Case No 2

Once more Bigot found himself in court mercilessly pursued by a private car parking company for ignoring yet another PCN , even though his overstay was purely the consequence of a helping out a fellow motorist ,  who had just been robbed by a knife-wielding mugger in the very same car park.

Counsel for the plaintiff : Did you Bigot ......or did you not .....overstay in breach of the company's terms and conditions ?
B-J : Yes , I overstayed because a woman needed my medical assistance as I was the only one in the car park at the time of her collapse
CP : No excuses allowed.......rules are rules
B-J : But surely....
CP : No surely buts please......Rip Off Parking have heard all the excuses under the sun and in the interests of fair play and equality the company chooses to ignore the bloody lot
B-J : But for my timely intervention the woman might have died.  Moreover I needed to stay with her until the ambulance service and police arrived
CP : No excuses overstay is a clear and blatant breach of contract which the company cannot and will not tolerate
B-J : So did the ambulance driver get a PCN for failing to purchase a ticket ?
CP :  Yes.....he did......and I believe his case is coming up next
B-J :  Christ almighty......does Rip Off Parking exempt anyone from this kind of malicious persecution .....or should I say, witch hunt ?
CP : Absolutely client nails anyone who defaults.....indeed .....hundreds of PCNs have been issued to workman hired to come onto the site to carry out urgent repairs... even  their own employees, new to the job of course, who are asked to empty money from the machines. Indeed drivers of supermarket courtesy buses , break-down trucks, security firm vehicles, fire-engines, post-office vans, taxis, refuse collection lorries, name but a few.....have all been clobbered........And all of them bleating pathetic excuses which are binned straightaway 
B-J : I have to say Rip Off Parking is an organisation without a heart , soul and conscience.
It is morally bankrupt.
CP : I agree ......but ethics and morality have no part whatsoever in its mission statement
B-J : Which is.....?
CP : To bleed motorists dry.....and to boost the directors' pay packets tenfold
Judge : Enough.....I've heard enough.....judgement of course goes to the defendant, in keeping with the one in Excel Parking services v. Drain Trace Ltd ( 2017) where the judge was gobsmacked that Excel expected a company working on the site to purchase a ticket. So much so ,  he asked the solicitor " if I was to have a heart attack whilst getting out of the car are you telling me that the ambulance would need to purchase a ticket before they attended to me ? ".........................The solicitor needless to say could not answer in the negative . and so was obliged to say yes. Moreover, the judge went on to say that common sense should prevail , and that he was sick and tired of private parking companies bringing unnecessary cases to court.

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