Thursday, 15 December 2011

When lesser
in their
quest to
steer a
small slam
Johnny had
no such
In 6H , there is initially 10 tricks on top with 5H, 3C, 1D, and 1S as guaranteed winners. So two more tricks had to be conjured up from somewhere. Possibly a late throw to East to lead away from his spades...or setting up clubs to pitch away some losing spades. Certainly, timing of play was of paramount importance to make this contract.
Well, on a diamond lead Johnny took the trick in dummy with the Ace, coming back to hand with a heart. Diamond ruff. But now came the Ace of clubs, followed by a low club ruffed high. King of hearts to clear trumps before a second diamond ruff . Now in dummy came the king of clubs pitching a losing spade. Next the jack of clubs, covered and ruffed. Over to the Ace of spades and the established 10 of clubs provided a parking space for a second losing spade. So the contract came rolling in with only one losing spade to concede to the opponents.
What a man. What a player.

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