Tuesday, 10 January 2012

One extremely disturbing psychological disorder, so prevalent within bridge club fraternities, is irritatus tosarica, where players deliberately choose to behave like obnoxious annoying brats. The Latin name given to this condition simply translates into  " irritating tossers ".
Victims develop a warped and twisted belief that it is alright to adopt all the worse characteristics of human behaviour which, when challenged, can be easily excused as childish fun, having a laugh, and " oh....you've misread my intentions ".
Nevertheless, this disorder really does bring out The Beast In Man, where every spoken word, gesture and mannerism irritates others to such an extent, confrontations inevitably follow.
Their behaviour can be so annoying,  that people in close attendance are often lost for words, being completely stunned by a potent mixture of disbelief and shock. Indeed, even when these tossers stand still and say nothing, their unsavoury presence and aura is enough to make a normal man feel sick, start ripping walls apart with his nails, and screaming in pain. Not surprisingly, these players soon become pariahs in their own club.  
Such was the level of resentment against one sufferer, who had plagued every bridge club he had ever joined,  " IT " became his widely adopted nickname. As coincidences go,  he happened to be an I.T.person, but the most commonly quoted story behind this label laid claim to a rather knowledgeable observer referring to the condition by its two initial letters . However, my research has revealed the shocking truth about how the name first came about. Coined in 1973 at Stainforth BC by the lady Chairman, Ima Teesing, it was meant to reflect her view that anyone with this condition had to be sub-human.....a creation belonging the depths of the underworld, a hideous monster one might find in the best of J.P. Lovecraft's weird and wonderful Cthulhu tales.
As for treatment, these type of clients I leave to the true professionals, who are not only psycho-analysts-come-neuro-scientists, but are well versed in the art of exorcism and white witchcraft.

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