Wednesday, 11 January 2012

( Yet again Bigot-Johnson was out to rid the club of another Pantopod . This time it was very popular and well respected Peregrin , the local priest, who had never committed any misdemeanour of any kind in the 7 years he had been a member . Nevertheless a determined and dogged Bigot was out to remove this irrritating thorn from his side, by relying upon his favourite charge of " bringing the club into disrepute " to send him packing. ) 
B-J : You Peregrin have brought this club into disrepute...
P : No I haven't...
B-J : Indeed you pompous prig of a priest......because it's plain to all and sundry that you have caused people to look upon this club as a slaughter house....
P : But...but that's the name of the club....a name which you personally chose
B-J : Yes...I know that....however, I must point out that it was your Sunday sermon remarks about this place which made people  believe it was a place of carnage and death...and not a respectable bridge club with a quirky name
P : Might I remind's never been a respectable bridge club.......dead bodies of missing members keep turning up all over the place
B-J : What the devil are you insinuating ?
P :  That it is impossible to bring this club into disrepute.....since it has been in disrepute from the first day it opened its doors.......when  outspoken members,  who stood up against you, started to mysteriously disappear
B-J : Best we leave that bit of history alone....and move onto the things you said about me...ME the Chairman..... which clearly made the club look bad......and even more disreputable than it was before
P : Such as ....?
B-J : The time you shouted out.... " How hard is it ? " front of two very proper and well brought up ladies, who have a real phobia about such manly things..
P : I simply queried who you were...... when I saw a hunched figure bent over...... clearly feeling a bit low down ....." Howard it ? "  I said
B-J :  Ah... but then you called me  "Johnson " front of the same two ladies, who were utterly shocked and appalled at yet another one of your little member references
P : I was just calling you by your surname
B-J : Or so you claim... 
P : Well, I didn't get your attention when I called you " Bigot "
B-J :  Oh yes....I remember that too.... and everybody who heard that... took it as an accusation of me being an intolerant, two-faced, chauvinistic, dogmatic, opinionated hypocrite....
P : Well all that could be the truth...but at the time I was trying to get your attention by calling out your middle name......
B-J : We all know what you were up to....with your filthy questions, innuendoes and insults
P : Please...please...can we wash our hands of all this nonsense
B-J : Oh yes...we  intend to wash our hands.....but only of you.....because this club is committed to finishing off  the  rigorous and thorough " cleansing " exercise that we initiated months ago, where foul mouthed people like you have been shown the door.....
P : Surely.... these people were decent law abiding folk, caring individuals, charity workers, do-gooders, saints, vicars like myself, dedicated carers, animal lovers....all lovely, kind and generous people......
B-J : Self-righteous bible-bashing troublemakers in my opinion ......the whole lot of them...
P : So that's it then.....I'm being slung out ?
B-J : Yes...and not before time
P : I'm  going to appeal .......
B-J : A pointless and futile waste of time.....I chair these damn appeal bugger off

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