Thursday, 18 February 2016


( Having just been suspended from the Slaughter House BC in what could only be described as a disciplinary hearing akin to a kangaroo court, a very disgruntled Pantopod decided to sue Bigot-Johnson and others for damages. With both parties called up before at judge at a pre-trial review , Bigot was in no mood to take any prisoners , as the following question and answer exchange revealed )

Judge :  What pray is your defence ?
B-J : We haven’t bothered to provide one
Judge : And why is that ?
B-J : There’s no need for one ? The man was a dog
Judge : But the plaintiff’s lawyers need to know what defence you intending to rely on with respect to the allegations of an improperly conducted disciplinary hearing
B-J : We did nothing wrong
Judge : But what if that isn’t the case ?
B-J : Well ….your honour….if we have cocked up then it’s no big deal…..the man was a dog
Judge : Why isn’t it a big deal ?
B-J : Because disputes like this…..involving dogs… small non-profit making , tiny little social clubs , such as ours , fall well outside the jurisdiction of the courts
Judge : Is that so ?
B-J : Yes….
Judge : And you’re suitably well informed to make such an assertion ?
B-J : Indeed I am
Judge : So please enlighten me as to your legal qualifications ?
B-J : I’ll have you know…. I’ve got 4 o’levels to my name….. one of which is LAW
Judge : And on the back of that knowledge, you assume I have no say on this matter
B-J :  Apparently not….
Judge : Well, I’m afraid I do…and it appears to me that this day has been a complete waste of everybody’s time
B-J : Too damn right it has…..a complete and utter waste of time……I could be at home pickling my onions
Judge : A state of affairs of which you are to blame
B-J : What !
Judge : And according to the rules relating to  “ wasted costs ” , you are required to pay for the plaintiff’s legal costs for this day , your own and the court’s …..payment in full within 14 days
B-J : I flabbergasted…. I can’t even draw my breath
Judge : If only that was true….

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