Thursday, 8 March 2012


Dear Rebecca,
It really did.......I was dealt 13 spades. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Naturally, I opened 7S only to hear my LHO ........shock, 7NT. This bid was doubled by my partner with the contract going 3 off for a paltry 500 , when we had 2210 going our way.
Where did I go wrong ?

Yours Gutted from Gateshead

Dear G ,
You opened that hand like a brainless prat. Your confident bid no doubt gave the game.....or should I say grand slam......completely away. Cunning and guile was needed here to steer your way into 7S without arousing their suspicions as to how many spades you were holding.
Many experts have argued over the best way to bid such a hand. However , my suggestion would be as follows :
Open 1 diamond !  Rest assured this bid would not have been passed out. Certainly one or both of your opponents would have entered the bidding , since each had a void in spades and a likely two suited hand. The moment they competed in hearts and clubs,  you could  then cue bid one of these suits to force partner to show his hand. He no doubt would be obliged to bid 2NT to show stops in their suit(s) or put you back into diamonds. Either way your next bid is 7S ,  expecting all to pass.
If the opponents chose to stay quiet , your partner would have certainly responded either supporting diamonds or bidding his clubs/hearts. You then could make a forcing reverse bid in spades. Whatever he bid next , you would then  go straight to 7S, which would have ended the auction for sure.
Now how easy is that.....

Yours deceptively Rood   

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