Saturday, 9 June 2012


Dear Rebecca,
The other day I visited a club that made me believe I was in a dream world, where the absurd had become a reality.
The members to a man and woman seemed completely held back and restrained , not wishing to even whisper boo to a goose !
Moreover , the feigned smiles and congratulations were totally out of context with the appalling standard of play. The sweet sickly bon hommie and exchange of social pleasantries was enough to make me feel quite ill.
Indeed, I had this sense I was part of a scene from the film " The Stepford Wives " , such was the apparent level of perfect behaviour of  all those around me. So can somebody please tell me what the bloody hell was going on at this club ?

Yours rather perplexed , Ena Fogg

Dear Ena,
You unfortunately just happened to stumble upon yet another club which has thoroughly embraced zero tolerance and best behaviour policies. My local one..... damn  it .......went the same way a couple of years back. 

Yours (gone are the days where even I can be myself ) disbelievingly Rood

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