Friday 28 September 2012

( A very true
story by Bridge-
meister Gibson )

The other day I
was playing an
afternoon duplicate
down at the club ,
where the standard 
of ability varies greatly.
I was with a very solid player , when next up was a pair where experience was partnering ( I presumed ) a relative beginner. 
Sitting North, I opened a spade........a slight hesitation on my left ?  2S from partner and a long think from my RHO , who eventually passed. I bid 3S to effectively end the auction .  My LHO passed in tempo as did my partner , when a nervous West.....pondered again.....only to bid 4H !   
I decided to pass hoping partner may have enough hearts herself to stick the boot in. No luck 4S bid either.....just another pass.
On my lead of the king of clubs ,  I was gobsmacked to see dummy come down rich with points, controls and distributional features. Quickly cashing a second top club , I noticed my partner's doubleton in the suit. Given that declarer clearly has 6 hearts and 2 clubs , it is almost certain she has a stiff spade and 4 reasonable diamonds  ( to justify the 4 level overcall ) . This of course  leaves my partner with  a 4-1-6-2 shape but very little in the way of HCP's.
Defeatist thinking persuaded me to continue with a low club at trick three in the hope that partner's ruff with a stiff king would set up my stiff queen for a winner. No such luck. Partner ruffed low and declarer over-ruffed. Two top hearts then cleared all our declarer    3 quick trump tricks . With 2 top diamonds, one top spade and 4 trumps left to make separately , the contract was safely steered home.
So when I realised she had overcalled 4H vulnerable on a 9 HCP hand , 2-4-5-2 distribution with a losing trick count that was a complete embarrassment ,  I thought was she a genius ?....Was she insane but incredibly lucky ?....or was she so inexperienced that blissful ignorance  had triumphed over common sense ?   Was she a brave reckless sort of player ? Or did she read her partner's fleeting hesitation to deduce a dummy which would be of great assistance ?
I concluded that the relative beginner was a completely random bidder , but a competent declarer.....and left it at that. 
So my eyes..... this is what makes bridge such a fascinating but equally frustrating game ! 

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