Tuesday 11 September 2012

Johnny Supremo met up with a crestfallen  Bigot-Johnson in the bar ,  after securing yet another fine tournament victory. Bigot was still bemoaning his fate of having gone off one in 7S on the above hand.
After winning the opening jack of diamonds lead with dummy's queen he foolishly played off two top spades , before embarking upon his plan to ruff 3 losing clubs. Using top hearts as entries Bigot then found himself unable to get back to dummy to draw West's last trump. Praying that AK would now stand up to pitch away dummy's losing heart , the roof caved in when West pounced with lightening speed and malevolent glee to ruff the trick. 
Johnny was quick to point out the error of his ways. " At trick 2 play the Ace of clubs and ruff the next ( noting of course the fall of East's queen ). Return to dummy with a spade and lead another club to ruff. West's best move is to pitch a diamond . Return to dummy with a heart and ruff the fourth club high. Now of course you still have a spade to get to dummy to draw West's remaining trumps. With one top heart and two top diamonds to cash ,  the grand slam is made in comfort . "   
" .....And I suppose a smart arse like you immediately found that line of play ?......" retorted a rather upset and embarrassed Bigot.
" Oh no " , said Johnny , " I found a much more elegant play. Having worked out that East held 6 clubs and a singleton in both majors , I only needed to ruff 2 clubs keeping my club jack as a menace card. So after 10 tricks I had made 1D, 2H, 1C , two club ruffs , and 4 spades.....but crucially I was still in dummy. East of course had been squeezed to death and in order to keep his club king he was forced to come down to 2 diamonds. So my last 3 winners were the AKx of diamonds.  "  
And on that note , a sour face Bigot-Johnson left the building ready and willing to lay his head on a nearby train track.....  

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