Tuesday 20 August 2013


What the hell does Carp know about bigotry ! You have to be a master of your craft if you seek to be an authority on the subject. Moreover, if you want to be the consummate bigot then you need to follow my 15 point plan, which is outlined below :

1. Fill your mind with prejudices, hatred and a whole load negative beliefs
2. Adopt extreme opinions on a whole range of subjects which border on demonic insanity
3. Close your mind and eyes to any unpalatable truths that challenge your deeply held prejudices
4. Judge people purely on suspicion, superstition ,  rumours , propaganda , prejudice and bias
5. Religiously overstate , and stubbornly rely upon , any flimsy or irrelevant facts on which you eagerly feed your prejudices
6. Spend all your time in the company of like-minded bigots and grovelling sycophants 
7. Create your own speculative rumours about people you dislike, which will over time circuit their way back to you as irrefutable truths  
7. Make wild assumptions, and then carefully set about seeking and selecting pathetic scraps of evidence which tend to support them
8. Never answer awkward questions : learn to be evasive when put under close scrutiny
9. Always accuse your critics of being bigoted and intolerant
10. In an emergency fall back on biblical references to support your bigoted views
11. Become an ardent follower of  the extreme teachings of crazed fanatics
12. Target potential victims on the basis of some less publicised or more subjective factors 
( which might well allow your bigotry to go undetected )
13. Alternatively, target your victims even more indirectly by finding some activity or trait associated with them, and speak against the trait rather than the group
14. Best of all is to use the noble and most effective way to act upon your prejudice : a devious technique called extra inclusion. This works by going out of your way to treat several groups with a perception of acceptance and open-mindedness, while deliberately excluding any reference to your target group(s). The inference then taken from their exclusion speaks volumes about how you view them as worthless,  irrelevant and annoying.
15. Master the art of holding court making sure you have a large attentive audience for all your indoctrinating bile.


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