Wednesday 2 September 2009

DR. JOHN'S CASE NOTES........................ Another syndrome I regularly encounter with bridge players is called the SNOW WHITE SYNDROME. There are two strange things about this affliction that as yet no psycho-analyst has been able to explain. Firstly, it affects only groups of players and always in numbers of seven. Secondly, every affected person in the group goes on to display just one of seven classic ( but closely related ) symptoms. However, one common factor emerges: the syndrome reduces all sufferers into petty-minded individuals..........who tend to lose all sense of proportion and perspective, when small incidents occur at the bridge table. One victim will turn grumpy, others moody, snappy, touchy, sulky, picky, and tetchy. Once the syndrome reaches epidemic proportions within a club, membership shrinks under the deluge of complaints about the growing problem of bad behaviour. Introducing best behaviour policies have had little effect such is the scale of petty-mindedness adopted by those affected.

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