Wednesday 25 July 2012


Yes...unbelievable things happened at Johnny's table on board 23 . His partner had been dealt a yarborough , Johnny had opened 1NT on a ropey  KJ10x.....Kxx....Qx.....QJ10x , and his expert opponents sailed into a 6NT contract played by South.
In a matter of seconds declarer had rattled off 8 top red suit tricks picking up both Johnny's heart king and diamond queen in the process. By trick 6 the only honours left in dummy were the AQ of spades , and so Johnny's first discard was naturally the 10 of spades. On tricks 7 and 8 Johnny calmly played the QJ of clubs , patently aware that declarer had both the AK of clubs in his sweaty mitt. 
Johnny's vision was now rewarded when declarer played off the AK of clubs , under which the 10x was played. Then when South volunteered the club 8 it was a rather surprised partner who popped in with his 9 to win the trick ! With a spade fired back a forlorn declarer played the queen only to see a triumphant Johnny swoop in with the King to defeat the contract.
So when a kibitzer queried whether declarer , knowing Johnny to be out of clubs but with spades left to the KJx , ducking a spade all round would set up an end play in spades . The answer was swift as it was obvious. If partner held the 98 of spades, which he did, then the 9 would force the play of dummy's queen . So having taken this trick with the king, a return of a spade to partner's 8 will force out dummy's Ace to set up the jack for the setting trick.
Well, I say hats off to Johnny for quick thinking , spotting the danger , and providing the best example of unblocking play I've seen in years......   

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