Monday 23 July 2012


Carp : Tell me doctor do you consider some male bridge players to be overly aggressive ?
Dr.J : Sadly fact far too many male bridge players  start to display extremely aggressive behaviour the moment  they sit down to play bridge....
C : But isn't the modern game all about " aggression " ?
Dr.J : I seems the need to be aggressive in competitive matches is both expected and approved. Men in particular are compelled to bid aggressively , make attacking leads , psych out their opponents , inflict all manner of uppercuts , coups , penalty doubles and squeezes. In reality this aggression turns out to be nothing one than one-upmanship . However ,  
aggression is the form of bickering , harassment , haranguing, throwing insults and other forms of threatening behaviour has also become essential part and parcel of the game within this small group of objectionable men
C : But why men ?
Dr. J : Aggressive behaviour can be traced backed to their upbringing. As boys , pressure is exerted upon them to be tough , never to be seen crying ,  to accept that the best form of defence is attack , and to always go for the jugular. Forever reminded how tough and mean the world is out there , boys are told to stand firm and fight their corner. 
C : So how come we don't see players exchanging blows with one another over the table ?
Dr.J : The conditioning process usually directs men to channel their aggression into ritualised forms of non-physical combat . Indeed , it is highly desirable.....and sensible direct  aggression at those who can be classified as non-entities , strangers , aliens, big  nasty Goliaths or any other legitimate targets.  Opponents at a bridge table fit that bill to a tee .
C : But does bridge always have to be played in battle-like conditions ?
Dr. J : No...I would say that the bridge arena is more like a jungle where predators and prey are thrown together . The instinct of the predator is to stalk and savage the weak ......and when predator meets predator.....then it becomes a fierce battle for supremacy
C :  So please explain to me why it is a player can become aggressive towards his partner ?
Dr. J : That's easy ......when  partners bid and play the cards in a way the aggressor doesn't approve of.....that person is acting like a stranger .....a friend and ally of the opponents. This creates a highly volatile situation 
C : So do you believe that bridge environment has become an outlet for a man's aggressive tendencies.... or perhaps a catalyst ?
Dr. J : I suspect both.....
C : Can zero tolerance and best behaviour policies tackle this problem ?
Dr.J : In a word .....NO.....because the human condition only permits the demons to be kept at bay for short periods....... for instance keeping a lid on a boiling pot can only be done for so long....
C : Well so long then.....I'm definitely  off
Dr. J : Hold on........I could recommend you a good deodorant....

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