( At a packed AGM Bigot-Johnson is accused of botching the latest expulsion of a Pantopod as this resulted in the club getting into itself into serious financial difficulty . One angry member turned on Bigot to explain his actions .)
AM : Bigot....why didn't you listen to the voice of reason who begged and pleaded with you not to sling Penny Pantopod out of the club ?
B-J : ......Because the interfering toss pot talked a load of crap
AM : But he raised valid points of concern based on established legal principles laid down by judges about due process and fair procedure
B-J : Well , they too must be full of crap....we had damn good reasons for getting rid of Panto
AM : That may be so....but the process undertaken by the committee , both steered and directed by you , was completely flawed......especially as you failed to listen to the voice of reason......
B-J : As I said before .....this traitorous dog was full of crap........a despised and despicable Panto sympathiser
AM : Even if this observation was true.......... that doesn't necessarily mean he talked rubbish......clearly he spoke with a great deal of informed legal knowledge , wisdom and common sense....
B-J : Listen muppethead....we on the committee knew best....he was just being an awkward and objectionable rebel
AM: Well , didn't the voice of reason point out the obvious bias was being shown against Penny Pantopod during the disciplinary proceedings ?.......
B-J : That was an insult against the good names and reputations of the decent fair minded people on that committee who man to man wanted to send out a lynch party to do Panto in there and then
AM : Yet there was overwhelming documentary evidence to prove that bias against Panto was extreme and menacing
B-J : That's all clap trap....
AM : But these documents all contain statements made by you and other leading committee members , admitting how much you hated the woman and wanted rid of her.....months... even years before...... the actual incident which precipitated the flawed disciplinary hearing....
B-J : Oh....bugger
AM : And why didn't you listen to the voice of reason who begged you from start to take the dispute to arbitration rather than seeking your day in court ?
B-J : Because....the voice of reason was the voice of smart arse sanctimonious know all who only talks crap.....and there was no way on God's earth were we going to change our decision......and do anything that prat suggested
AM : So please explain the membership gathered here tonight why you have now decided to take this dispute to arbitration ?
B-J : The circumstances have changed.....
AM : Therefore, the voice of reason was right after all ?
B-J : Absolutely not.....because at the time he said it the idea was ludicrous......however today , with the prospect of the club facing serious financial trouble.... the committee quite rightly believes that arbitration makes good sense
AM : Tell you ever listen to other voices who offer good advice.........?
B-J : Only one.....
AM: And whose voice was that ?
B-J : That of little man who lives inside my head...
AM : And who might he be....
B-J : The King of the Potato People of course......