Tuesday 16 July 2013


Years ago in a suburban bridge club nestling in the outskirts of Perth, a half-cut Australian picked up the hand of his life A(K) QJ10xxxxx ....A....A.....A : a  vulnerable grand slam in no trumps, which could be bid straightaway and claimed at trick one.
However, because of this wildly distributional deal his LHO, as first bidder, stuck in an opening 5H bid in front of him on Kx....KQJ109xxxxxx....void....void. Unperturbed and brimming with confidence, he bid a smug 7NT with the air of a man about to perform a miracle live on stage to a captivated audience. But no the bidding did not end there. His LHO doubled , which left the declarer smirking with unbridled joy as he plonked the redouble card down onto the table. Already he was counting up in his head the magnificent score he was going to bring back to his team captain.  
Inevitably at trick one the King of hearts was led out ,  taken by declarer's Ace. Determined to make his opponent suffer he then decided to play out the hand.  Next card up was the Ace of spades to which everyone followed. But on the King of spades his LHO showed out , discarding a heart. At trick 4 the queen of spades was played , but this was taken by his LHO opponent with the king !

" Hey you big dill, you shouldn't have that card ......I just played it on previous trick "
" Strewth mate....you took that trick with the king of clubs "
" Bladdy hell....talk about coming a guster......I must have mis-sorted my hand "
" Too right mate.....you're as useful as tits on a bull.....so I'm claiming these next nine tricks for 10 down doubled, redoubled , vulnerable...... and that I believe is minus 5800 "


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