Monday 21 May 2012


( Article by Johnny Supremo )

The other day I entered into an argument about whether it was possible for 3NT to make by any declarer on the same deal , against any defence. Surely it was impossible for such a deal to exist ?  It would be far easier to construct a hand where 2 opposing declarers to make 9 tricks , but for all four players to that requires a miracle.
Well, it seems the wonder of symmetry settles this argument for once and for all. Indeed, the hand above does produce this most amazing outcome .
Given the perfect symmetry of the deal , we only need to analyse one declarer , so let's go for South.
On a club lead , declarer will take the trick pitching a spade from dummy to unblock the suit. And with the club suit blocked he/she has the luxury to play a low spade from both hands. Once in East can of course play a club to partner's Ace , but what now for the defence ?  A diamond puts East in to take the Ace and 10 of clubs , but now declarer is home making 1D, 1C, 1H and 6 spades ....when the Ace of course brings down the King.  If  however West starts off with a diamond , declarer simply covers, and lobs away a heart to unblock that suit...... and similar situation repeats itself.
Should West instead foolishly lead a heart, declarer will rattle off 3 quick hearts tricks, before crossing over to the spade Ace to gain access to the other 5 established heart winners. Game, set and match .

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