Friday 12 November 2010

ANOTHER PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTION ON BRIDGE.................... ( By Professor Hu Chi Ku Chi )
The love of bridge is an astonishing thing. It is an addiction which is not the result of pleasure-inducing drugs or substances being pumped into your system, but the consequence of repeated highs one inevitably experiences throughout a session at the tables. Surely, there can not be a better mental challenge to be found in this fast developing world of mind sports. Bridge can deliver everything that culture, entertainment and romance can ....and more. It can constantly and unerringly pump the body with so much adrenalin that players seem to bask in a kind of euphoria never likely to be experienced elsewhere. Yet there is never any collateral damage to the body and mind.
Bridge is an addiction which players have come to love, embrace and be astonished by. The game has an abstract beauty that transcends everything else, even the great works of art. It is the recluse of intellectual pleasure seekers, who want a foretaste on earth as to what might await them in paradise.

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