Tuesday 21 August 2012

A TRUE BUT SHOCKING STORY ......  ( By Bridgemeister Gibson )

Jesus once said " let he who is without sin cast the first stone ". For human nature dictates that we all rush in to castigate a sinner , despite being guilty of such sins ourselves. Hypocrisy is indeed a terrible thing , but what happened a few years ago at Walnut Tree Allotment Society BC beggars belief. 

A certain member , highly critical of the Club Management at the time felt it was necessary on the night of the AGM to place an open letter on the chairs criticising all the members of the committee , and in particular its hard working , highly competent and very accomplished secretary. Part of the letter read as follows :
" .........and the position of the Secretary is clearly untenable . The members of the committee who wish to play bridge on a Friday evening ( at a newly formed social gathering ) could consider attending  the Club , whose interests they were elected to safeguard rather than supporting a rival . "

This new  " club " , incidentally ,  was nothing more than a once a month meal out with friends and associates ( with an evening's  bridge thrown in for good measure ) .   

A couple years later this same member then became Chairman of the Club , but he of course was never going to accept or tolerant criticism or dissent from the ranks. Having invited one disgruntled member to voice all his complaints in a private letter to the committee ,  a rather nasty and stern reply came whistling back  . One line in particular exposed hypocrisy on a scale  that completely shattered my faith in human nature . 
" ....The Committee is elected to manage the Club in the best interests of the members.......The Club exists for people to play a game of cards in a social setting . If a member feels he cannot support the Club Management , he can resign and play elsewhere . "

Now I left to wonder why that member didn't heed his own words two years earlier , taking the opportunity to resign when he was clearly at odds with , and unable to support,  his Club Management ?


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