Saturday 4 August 2012


Yet again The Great Man seized upon a " double "  to steer home a game contract that may well have failed...... but for the well received warning of impending danger. 
After 2 passes East barraged with 4H , fortified no doubt by favourable vulnerability conditions .
Johnny was having none of that and calmly bid 4S. West with 3 certain tricks in his hand could not restrain himself from doubling. And so Johnny took stock of the situation ,  when the opening lead of a heart hit the table.

Clearly, his main concern was to avoid losing 2 spades and 2 clubs , and so a neat little elimination play was called for. Ruffing the heart in hand , he then entered dummy with the diamond queen ,  ruffing a second heart at trick 3. Quickly, the Ace/King of diamonds followed  on which dummy's last heart was thrown. Next came a small spade to dummy's ten and West's fate was sealed.
Forlorn and crestfallen , this impetuous doubler knew he had been stitched up good and proper. The play of either a diamond or a heart would provide Johnny with a ruff and discard ( of a club from hand ). Yet the play of a club would open up the suit for Johnny to restrict his losers to one.

What a man....what a player.... 

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