Wednesday, 14 November 2012

-  walk away from your table completely embarrassed by being gifted three tops in a row
-  concerned by your inability to play card place their fingers on your wrist to feel for a pulse
-  at the start of the session offer up their sitting seats because they feel your need is greater than theirs
- start to announce what card has been played from their hands
- compliment you on your last week's score of 50%
- ask the TD for an aerosol air freshener 
- choose not to double your overbid sham, happy in the knowledge a top is already in the bag
- generously allow you to look back at which cards have played
- decide to keep their bidding dead simple for fear of having to explain everything over and over again
- are completely taken back by the fact you are still able to fan out or hold up 13 cards
- go to great lengths not to get you over-excited, annoyed, upset or anxious 
- start to use sign language as an essential communication aid in conversation with you
- once inferior to yourself arrive at your table full of optimism and confidence 

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