Tuesday 11 December 2012


Dear Rebecca,
I'm really upset. Certain members of my club have accused me , in my capacity as chairman, of being blinkered, biased, evasive,  economical with the truth, not dealing a straight hand ......and a whole lot more.
Well, let me tell you.....and them....that I am extremely proud of my achievements in being perfectly honest and sincere regarding all my dealings with others, no matter what scumbags they are.
Is it fair and right that these members can take such a jaundiced view  of me ?
Yours fast losing my faith in human nature,
                                       Howard Bigot-Johnson

Dear Bigot,
Please forgive me for not taking your side, for I feel obliged to leave you with the astute observations of Marcus Aurelius.....

How hollow and insincere it sounds when someone says  " I am determined to be perfectly straightforward with you " . Why, man, what is all this?  The thing needs no prologue; it will declare itself. It should be written on your forehead, it should echo in the tones of your voice, it should shine out in a moment from your eyes, just as a single glance from the beloved tells all to the lover. Sincerity and goodness ought to have their own unmistakable odour, so that one who encounters this becomes straightaway aware of it despite himself. A candour affected is a dagger concealed. The feigned friendship of the wolf is the most contemptible of all, and to be shunned beyond everything. A man who is truly good and sincere and well-meaning, will show by his looks, and no one can fail to see it. 

Yours clearly irritated by the depth of your self-delusion and self-denial, 

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