Wednesday 25 November 2009

REBECCA ROOD'S MAILBAG....................................
  • Dear Rebecca, Certain members in my club who follow this surreal bizarrebridgeworld blog have cruelly alleged that Dr.John is a complete charlatan: someone who writes nothing but meaningless psycho mumb0-jumbo rubbish. You've met the man and read his articles and books.......what do you think? Yours a footballing legend, Ian Wright-Foot
  • Dear Ian, In my opinion Dr. John is a real legend, for I believe him to be the world's leading expert in bridge-related psychological disorders. I know this for a fact, because he diagnosed me ( quite correctly ) as having a disorder known as DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE. According to his research the cause of this affliction stems from a sustained period of poor scores and wretched results, which all bridge players encounter from time to time. Initial confusion sets in as to why this has happened.....contrary to their highly over-optimistic expectations. For those with fragile egos and a predisposition to fantasise, they are compelled to seek sanctuary in new identities that offer grandeur and fame. This may adopt all manner of disguises ( temporary or permanent ), where for instance victims proclaim themselves as club professionals, bridge teachers, or even budding bridge authors . Indeed, my affliction led me to re-invent myself as Rebecca Rood, a female icon in a bridge world dominated by men. Even Dr. John, who diagnosed himself as a victim, needed to lose sight of who he once was in his early career......a drop-out medical student. Moreover, Johnny Supremo has no more idea of playing bridge than the plastic gnome that can be seen pissing into my garden pond. Therefore, it is not surprising to see players in every bridge club the world over, seeking to escape the pain, which their acute inferiority complexes thrusts upon them. Not wanting to face up to the shameful reality of endless poor scores, embarrassing results, and a reputation of being mediocre and anonymous, the temptation to succumb to dissociative fugue becomes totally irresistible.
  • Ironically, the condition is a godsend in that sufferers really do develop good feeling about themselves, immensely secure and happy within their new impregnable identities. So yes, I have nothing but contempt for those that undermine Dr. John's outstanding research, world-wide acclaim, and breath-taking genius. Yours forever believing in the power of self-delusion, Rebecca

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