Thursday 9 June 2011

DOES BIGOT-JOHNSON REALLY EXIST ?......... ( Article by Dr. Sigmund T. Schukelgruber )
As regular readers of this blog know full well, Howard Bigot-Johnson is nothing more than one of John Howard Gibson's alter egos. Given that this person was made up of several different selves, it comes as no surprise to see the irrepressible HBJ alter ego seizing control from all the others. This of course condemned the meek and wimpy one, referred to by Bigot as " Doormat John ", to complete anonymity. This blog is a testament as to how far HBJ is in ascendancy, running amok in the world of cyberspace .
Yet some will argue that HBJ is everywhere, because he is the complete embodiment of all the worst traits and personality characteristics even witnessed in bridge players. He is by definition real in every sense in that he can be found in every dark and seedy corner of every bridge club across the globe, epitomising what is wrong with the game today.
Indeed players who recognise " The Bigot " in themselves should, if they have any shred of decency and empathy left, slit their own throats, and in doing so spare every innocent, decent minded player further grief, pain and suffering.
For some, keeping track of Bigot's exploits might well have taken them on a journey of self-awareness and discovery. Clearly, he acts like a mirror, enabling them to see a true but deeper reflection of themselves. For others he is just a nasty reminder of who they really are.
As J.S. Powell once said " I cannot tell you who I really am, because if do I know you will not like me ". Well Bigot the blogger is man enough and real enough to say " I don't give a bloody damn if you don't like me, because being true to my ugliness is without doubt a merciful release ". So anyone who claims to be another Bigot is another man of truth, because the trade mark characteristic of all Bigot-Johnsons is their refusal to hide behind the numerous facades and masks the rest of us fear to pull down.
Like an omnipotent presence, the demon spirit of HBJ has invaded the minds and souls of countless infants, ready to manifest itself into one of their alter egos....... the very moment they decide to take up bridge .

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