Wednesday 3 March 2010

In a recent league match, one of the many boards which helped Johnny's team onto a resounding victory was board no.16.
Johnny picked up Qxxx..x..Qx....KQ10xxx, and on hearing his partner open 1S he made a simple limit raise to 3S. This was passed out, despite some squirming in the 4th seat. This sneaked home for +140. However, on the other table, his team-mates heard the bidding go as follows: 1S - Pass- 2C . This of course allowed East to enter the bidding with 2H. North rebid 2S, but when West came in with 3H offering both support and one or two outside values, East's decided to take his chances at 5H.....rather than double 4S for a paltry +100. This ambitious contract came sailing in, having received a fortuitous opening spade lead. Luck of course had a big part to play in the result, since a club lead would have defeated the contract. Nevertheless the +140 and +650 made healthy reading, adding even more imps to the bucket load which had already been collected.
And the moral of this short story, according to Johnny, is very straightforward and simple. Why be a prat and introduce a long minor suit into the bidding, when you know you have an excellent fit in the majors. Just make a limit raise to the known level of the fit. By bidding 3S direct, not only is it highly completely shafts the opponent in the 4th seat. Not only that, but the defence has a much harder time finding the best opening lead, having very little information to go on.

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