Tuesday 14 September 2010

BIGOT'S PERFECT RIPOSTE......... ( A nearly true story as told by Bridgemeister Gibson )
Bigot had called an EGM having press-ganged 20 members, all with grudges of their own, to force a vote of no confidence against the present committee. Bigot was decidedly unhappy with the committee's 3 month ban ( due to start in 14 days ), simply because exposed his bum. This shocking gesture was born more out of exasperation and utter frustration..... than mischief and wickedness. So when it was his turn to stand up and rant, he tried to make a point about the injustice of the committee's decision to temporarily suspend his membership . However, an incensed committee member started to shout back, challenging one of Bigot's naughty little lies.
" Stand up, sir ", Bigot bellowed at the top of his voice. Almost immediately, a tiny runt of a man stood up from his padded seat .
" Sit down....now, sir " said Bigot-Johnson. " The insignificance of your appearance and stature is sufficient to answer the impudence of your objection ".
So for the first time in Bigot's long and troubled history with committees, he received the membership support he was looking for, when a ripple of warm applause gently echoed around the room.

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