Saturday 21 August 2010

Avid readers of this blog will know that Bigot-Johnson lived his whole childhood as an inmate of an orphanage. Abandoned by his parents, he was forced to spend many unhappy years incarcerated inside this loveless institution. Cursed with club feet, gargoyle features, and a terrible habit for bed wetting, he became an obvious target for unrelenting ridicule and abuse.
However, not long after leaving the orphanage Bigot took it upon himself to teach bridge despite his gross inexperience , and under-achievement, at the game. As chance would have it many of his tormentors found themselves in one of Bigot's beginner classes. Their shocking and unbelievable experience, where each of them was subjected to ritualised and habitual bullying, caused many to seek psychiatric help. Others felt obliged to write books about their terrible ordeal, their living nightmare, and the demonic way he set out to reek his revenge. Yes , he was determined to turn them all into accident prone nervous wrecks. So not surprisingly all their book titles share a common theme......
  • Look Bigot, At What You've Gone and Made Me Do.......Jimmy Riddle
  • Why Are You Ignoring Me Partner ?............................Ulrika Yurin
  • Ooops, I've Made My Seat All Wet...............................Ada Slash
  • Don't You Dare Aim That Thing At Me..........................Percy Ponting
  • So Sorry, I Just Can't Stop Myself.................................I. P. Hallot
  • Hey Bigot, Are You Taking The Piss Or What ?..............Mickey Takin
  • My Seat's Soaking, But The Need Was Pressing..............Ray Leaf
  • You Said Bigot That I Was Your Friend ?......................R. U. Kidding
  • Look I Need To Go, I Can't Hold On Any Longer...........Mustapha Leek

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