Sunday 13 December 2009

JOHNNY FINDS A WAY.................................................................................... As always, Johnny Supremo was prepared to put a little thought into making his contract, Opting to bid 5S to win the auction over East's 5D, he then found himself doubled by East. Johnny appeared to have 3 losers: 2 minor suit Aces and the King of hearts. All 3 cards were with East, who had a big hand and a 1-3-5-4 distribution. Dummy had come down with: 974....AJxx....xx...KQ106 , opposite his AKQJ10xxx...Qxx....Q...x...A diamond was led and Johnny sitting South ruffed the continuation. Next came the Ace of spades which cleared trumps. The problem he faced was not to lose a heart. What plan if any could he find to secure this objective. Answer : lead his low club hoping West plays low ( which he did ) and stick in the six from dummy !! What can East do ? A diamond return would give him a ruff and sluff : then later on a ruffing finesse in clubs sets up the opportunity to lob away another losing heart. A heart return would be just as fatal with declarer only requiring one discard in hearts, which the ruffing club finesse will provide. A low club return would enable Johnny to effectively finesse the jack whoever holds it. If it is West, the queen of clubs will take the trick leaving declarer with K-10 in dummy, to obtain the ruffing finesse position against East's A-9. Alternatively if the jack is with East, then a low club enables dummy to win with the nine, with the KQ of clubs still there to secure a second discard in hearts. Such ingenuity..........but that's what makes Johnny so supreme.

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