Thursday 14 January 2010

THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY.............................................

  • Escape suit : an item of clothing which enables you avoid the wrath of your team-mates, by means of a clever and cunning disguise. Now you can easily escape ( unnoticed) from the scene of your appalling crimes.
  • Crack : what you would like to do to your partner's skull prior to him finding an escape suit
  • EHAA : an acronym for Every Hand An Adventure, given the risk of really getting partner's dander up with your super light opening bids, thread-bare overcalls, and undisciplined weak-twos
  • Closed room : a place where two team members sneak off to have an adulterous affair......or to practice their skill at making quick tricks
  • Cold : the feeling you get after going off in a rigid contract
  • Fast arrival : something that often happens in a closed room, when over-excitement build up
  • Splinter bid : the only known method to become declarer with a singleton trump in each hand
  • Rule of eleven : the inevitable trick total when you bid a small slam
  • Reverse bid : a clever bidding technique where opening "one club" promises something completely different from " club one". Should you be using bidding boxes, the requirement here is to place the 1C card the reverse (opposite) way round to show a club one bid.
  • Principle of co-incidence : if you have a tendency to over-or-under bid, but then end up with a partner who is completely opposite to you, the inevitable co-incidence of compensating errors might well provide you both with success

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