Friday 7 August 2009

JOHNNY SUPREMO DOES IT AGAIN....................................................

Why just the other day I looked down at the score sheet expecting my 4 hearts tick to one of many identical scores but no ......I was out there on my own with + 420. What on earth had happened to all the other declarers? Are they a load of bumbledogs or what? Am I the only sane player here who is capable of making the obvious play?

  • Well, dummy's hand was: ..... 10xxx......98xx.......AKJx......x...................................... while my hand was.................AKJ......QJ10x...... Qxxx.......xx....................................
  • Despite the opposition finding their big club fit, it was the queen of spades which appeared as the opening lead. I stopped to take stock of the situation. My LHO opponent, who had come in with confident overcall, had calmly volunteered the queen into the jaws of death, foregoing any chance of making it via a losing finesse. The bugger was clearly out to make a trump trick on a spade ruff.
  • My analysis of the situation was as follows: " If I attack the trump suit first I can easily predict what is likely to happen. My LHO will rise with the King of hearts and play out his doubleton spade. Once he's in again with the heart Ace.....he will then put his partner in with a club and gleefully win the third round of spades with his last trump. Well, not against me matey! This calls for a simple scissors coup BY LEADING A CLUB NOW in order to scupper their commincations.
  • So at the table my RHO took the club and duly led a second round of spades. But once I was in again, I could happlily concede two heart tricks to my LHO....for the possibility of him making his ruff with his third heart had simply disappeared.

Being supreme at the game doesn't necessarily mean you have to be just requires you not to be stupid.

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