Sunday 23 August 2009

REBECCA ROOD'S MAILBAG............................................................
  • Dear Rebecca, I'm at my wits end......for as you know I'm a good solid pairs player, but just lately weak opponents seem to be saving their only good boards against me. In recent duplicates, these rabbits are lobbing gifts to all and sundry until they come to my table. Then miraculously they take on both the table presence and ability of international grandmasters. Am I the victim of an evil conspiracy, or an irrational persecution complex. This disturbing state of affairs is causing me endless sleepless nights. What's your view on this? Yours in desperation, Lou Singit
  • Dear Lou, You do seem to be cracking up, but please try to look at your poor results from another angle. It's not the opposition doing good's more than likely that you are trying too hard to get results against these irritating bunnies. As a consequence of trying to create tops, you are probably doing things that give you outright bottoms. Against weak players you don't have to do a thing.....they will always hang themselves providing you give them enough rope. Get real and treat these weaker opponents as though they are fish in a barrel waiting to be shot. There's no need for you to get stressed by thinking hard and long.......just relax and spice up your game with a few devious bids which create simple but effective traps. Adopt the instinct of a lazy hunter by luring them onto the paths of self-destruction. Every time the trap is sprung, an effortless top will be gifted to you. Yours faithfully,Rood
  • PS. If the above advice doesn't quite do the trick, then I suggest you read the following books on the subject. These come recommended by my old friend and colleague.....the one and only Pun. I feel very confident indeed that these books will really help you out:
  • Bunnies May Have Big Ears, But They Never Listen To The Bidding
  • How To Use Dazzling And Blinding Bids To Paralyse Bunnies With Fear
  • Ferret Out The Rabbits In Your Club And Go For The Kill
  • How To Inflict Huge Bottoms On Rabbits ( And Send Them Hopping Mad )
  • How To Fix Bunnies With Highly Unusual And Hare-Raising Bids
  • 22 Carrot Gold Tips On Bunny Bashing

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